Wldflower Style Bouquet


Brighten up your weekend with a wildflower style bouquet of seasonal British flowers all grown in the Spen Valley.

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SKU: A189 Category:

Product Description

Brighten up your weekend with a bouquet of seasonal British flowers all grown in the Spen Valley. Each bouquet will be unique, hand tied, wrapped and never the same twice.

Pre-ordered bouquets will be available to collect every Friday from Beardsworths in Cleckheaton or Nodding Violets near Sowerby Bridge. If you’d prefer a different day then please send a message and we’ll try our best.

If you’re buying as a gift and would like to leave a note just fill in the notes box during checkout.

We are very happy to offer free delivery for orders over £120 to the following postcodes on Tuesday to Friday or collection is also available from Beardsworths Nurseries near Cleckheaton, BD19 6PL, Tuesday – Sunday.
